A reminder to sign-up to my presentation at next months BrightTalk Transformational HR 2020 summit on "Humanising the Workplace for Cultural Transformation Success." And my latest article "purpose... such wasted energy" in the HR Director on how HR can lead a successful cultural transformation.
Welcome to the quarterly edition of the Outperf4m newsletter providing insights to Cultural Change Strategy and Coaching to drive high performance success.
In this issue you will find a link to my latest article in the HR Director on "Connecting the dots - HR’s Strategic role in Business Transformation (purpose... such wasted energy)" and a reminder to sign-up to my latest BrightTalk presentation on "Humanising the Workplace for Cultural Transformation Success". Also an invitation to complete our cultural insights survey. Click on the "Book a Strategy Session" below if you would like to know more about our cultural change and leadership programs.
purpose... such wasted energy ‘First published in theHRDIRECTOR, issue #189, July, 2020. Reproduced with permission.’
Here is my latest article published in theHRDIRECTOR on how HR leaders can successfully lead and coach for cultural transformation in their workplace. A special acknowledgement to Adaptive Cultures for allowing me to reference their "Cultural Evolution" framework. The article has kindly been reproduced on LinkedIn with the permission of the HR Director (paid subscription only). Look out for my article on "Diversity and Individualism" in next month's theHRDirector magazine.
BrightTalk Transformational HR 2020 summit:
"Humanising the Workplace for Cultural Transformation Success."
In this presentation Tony Holmwood will outline his behavioural development framework from his internationally accredited and awarded book “Best Behaviour”. Tony will introduce his cultural change workshops designed to prepare HR and business leaders to successfully deliver a cost effective inhouse cultural transformation program. The workshops cover the following topics:
Creating a purposeful, high performance cultural strategy
Preparing leaders to be culturally transformative
Coaching for team literacy and agility so employees can flourish
Establishing a workplace environment for culture change success
AUG 6, 2020 // 5:00PM AEST
OUTPERF4M Cultural Insights Survey
Ourperf4m has commissioned a survey to gauge market insights and the needs for culture and change programs.
This market research uses publicly available content to gather insights on people's perceptions of organisational culture. And the benefits and challenges of cultural change programs. Outperf4m will also use responses to design and target cultural change workshops to identified industries.
Have you read "Best Behaviour"?... Then please provide a rating and review of the book via the following links: 1. Amazon 2. Booktopia 3. Barnes and Noble
I do hope you are keeping positive and safe, and I hope to see you on my BrightTalk presentation next week. In the meantime - have a fantastic week.
Tony Holmwood Culture and Change Strategist - CEOWorld Opinion Columnist Outperf4m Email: hello@outperf4m.com Website: www.outperf4m.com Author: www.tonyholmwood.com
Phone: +61 415 757 285 Email: hello@outperf4m.com